Publicationsgoogle scholar
research gate Mentored students: *Graduate student co-author, ^Undergraduate student co-author (34) +^Tan K,+*Ines RA, *Buono CM, Evans Q, Powell THQ, Prior KM. Differences in foraging phenology dampen the impact of an invasive slug on ant-mediated seed dispersal of understory forest plants. Submitted (+authors contributed equally) (33) Ward AKG, Zhang YM, Brown GE, Hippee AC, Prior KM, Rollins S, Sierra N, Sheikh SI, Tribull CM, Forbes AA. 2023. Speciation in kleptoparasites of oak gall wasps often correlates with shifts into new tree habitats, tree organs, and gall morphospace. Evolution (32) Prior KM, *Jones DG, Meadley-Dunphy SA, *Lee S, *Milks AK, ^Daughton S, Forbes AA, Powell THQ. 2023. Host-enemy interactions provide limited biotic resistance for a range-expanding species via reduced apparent competition. Diversity & Distributions (31) *Buono CM, ^Lofaso J, ^Smisko WR, ^Gerth C, ^Santare J, Prior KM. 2023. Historical forest disturbance results in variation in functional resilience of seed dispersal mutualisms. Ecology (30) Milligan PM, Pringle EG, Prior KM, Palmer TM. 2022. Symbiotic ant traits produce differential host-plant carbon and water dynamics in a multi-species mutualism. Ecology (29) Ward AKG, Busbee RW, *Chen RA, Davis CK, Driscoe AL, Egan SP, Goldberg BAR, Hood GR, *Jones DG, Kranz AJ, Meadely Dunphy SA, *Milks AK, Ott JR, Prior KM, Sheikh SI, Shzu S, Weinersmith KL, Zhang L, Zhang YM, Forbes AA. 2022. The arthropod associates of 155 North American cynipid oak galls. Zoological Studies (28) *Jones DG, Kobelt, J, ^Ross JM, Powell THQ, Prior KM. 2022. Latitudinal gradient in species diversity provides high niche opportunities for a range-expanding phytophagous insect. Journal of Animal Ecology -- (Finalist for Elton Prize) (27) *Buono CM, Quartuccia GI, ^Smisko WR, Lupinski AJ, ^Radin AQW, Powell THQ, Prior KM. 2022. Uncovering how behavioral variation underlying interchangeability of mutualist partners is distributed across a species complex of seed-dispersing ants. Insectes Sociaux (26) Zhang MY, Sheikh SI, Ward AKG, Forbes AA, Prior KM, Stone GN, Gates MS, Egan SP, Zhang LN, Davis C, Weinersmith KL, Melika G, Lucky A. 2022. Delimiting the cryptic diversity and host preferences of Sycophila parasitoid wasps associated with oak galls using phylogenomic data. Molecular Ecology (25) Ward AKG, Bagley RK, Egan SP, Hood GR, Ott J, Prior KM, Sheikh SI, Weinersmith KL, Zhang YM, Forbes AA. 2022. Speciation in the Nearctic oak gall wasps is frequently correlated with changes in host plant, host organ, or both. Evolution (24) ^Parker WJ, *Buono CM, Prior KM. 2021. Antagonistic and mutualistic interactions alter seed dispersal at forest edges. Ecosphere (23) Prior KM, Meadley-Dunphy SA, Frederickson ME. 2020. Interactions between seed-dispersing ant species affect plant community composition in field mesocosms. Journal of Animal Ecology (22) Meadley-Dunphy SA, Prior KM, Frederickson ME. 2020. Variation in seed dispersal quality between native and invasive ants alters the spatial pattern of plant communities. Oecologia (21) Gordon SCC, Meadley-Dunphy SA, Prior KM, Frederickson ME. 2019. Asynchrony between ant seed dispersal activity and fruit dehiscence of myrmecochorous plants. American Journal of Botany (20) DiGiacopo DD, 2019. Meindl GA, Ryan S, Jaeger J, Wersebe M, Martin A, Robinson SA, Graham G, Palmer AR, Setteducate A, Murray I, Prior KM, Hua J. 2019. Interaction between invasive plant leaf litter and NaCl on two model amphibians. Biological Invasions (19) Prior KM, Palmer TM. 2018. Economy of scale: third partner strengthens a keystone ant-plant mutualism. Ecology (18) Prior KM, Adams DC, Klepzig KD, Hulcr J. 2018. When does invasive species removal lead to ecological recovery? Implications for management success. Biological Invasions (Elton Review) (17) Hulcr J, Black A, Prior KM, Chen C, Hou-Feng L. 2017. Studies of Ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in their native ranges help predict invasion impact. Florida Entomologist (16) ^Milligan PD, Prior KM, Palmer TM. 2016. An invasive ant reduces diversity but does not disrupt ecosystem function in an African savanna. Ecosphere (15) Pringle RM, Prior KM, Palmer TM, Young TP, Goheen JR. 2016. Large herbivores promote habitat specialization and beta diversity of African savanna trees. Ecology (14) ^Meadley-Dunphy SA, Prior KM, Frederickson ME. 2016. An invasive slug exploits an ant-seed dispersal mutualism. Oecologia (13) Powell THQP, Prior KM. 2016. Coevolution: parasitism and predation. In R. Kilman, editor: Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology. vol. 3, pp. 322-338. Oxford: Academic Press. (12) Prior KM, Hulcr J. 2016. Jumping gall wasp, Neuroterus saltatorius (Edwards). Featured Creature. University of Florida, Department of Entomology and Nematology, Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences. Online report (11) Prior KM, Robinson JM, Meadley-Dunphy SA. Frederickson ME. 2015. Mutualism between co-introduced species facilitates invasion and alters plant community structure. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. (10) Prior KM, Powell THQ, ^Joseph A, Hellmann JJ. 2015. Insights from community ecology into the role of enemy release in causing invasion success: the importance of native enemy effects. Biological Invasions (9) Prior KM, ^Saxena K, Frederickson ME. 2014. Seed handling behaviors of native and invasive seed-dispersing ants differentially influence seedling emergence in an introduced plant. Ecological Entomology (8) Prior KM, Hellmann JJ. 2014. Does enemy release contribute to the success of invasive species? A review of the enemy release hypothesis. In R. P. Keller, M. W. Cadotte, and G. Sandiford, editors: Invasive Species in a Globalized World: Ecological, Social, and Legal Perspectives on Policy. University of Chicago Press. pp. 252 (peer-reviewed book chapter). (7) Prior KM, Hellmann JJ. 2013. Does enemy loss cause release? A biogeographical comparison of parasitoid effects on an introduced insect. Ecology (6) Hellmann JJ, Prior KM, Pelini SL. 2012. The influence of species interactions on geographic range change under climate change. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (5) Prior KM, Hellmann, JJ. 2010. Impact of an invasive oak gall wasp on a native butterfly: a test of plant-mediated competition. Ecology (4) Pelini SL, Dzurisin JD, Prior KM, Williams CM, Marsico TD, Sinclair BJ, Hellmann JJ. 2009. Translocation experiments with butterflies reveal limits to the enhancement of poleward populations under climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (3) Prior KM, Dzurisin JD, Pelini SL, Hellmann JJ. 2009. Biology of larvae and adults of Erynnis propertius at the northern edge of its range. The Canadian Entomologist (2) *Pelini SL, *Prior KM, Parker DJ, Dzurisin JD, Lindroth RL, Hellmann JJ. 2009. Climate change and temporal and spatial mismatches in insect communities. In T. M. Letcher, editor: Climate Change: Observed Impacts on Planet Earth. Elsevier, The Netherlands. pp. 215-231(*authors contributed equally). (1) 2008 - Hellmann JJ, Pelini SL, Prior KM, Dzurisin JD. The response of two butterfly species to climatic variation at the edge of their range and the implications for poleward range shifts. Oecologia |